Project Study: Data Classification – Example 3
Quick start an internal team
- Quick start an enterprise-wide data classification software deployment with regulatory oversight implications and visibility to the board of directors
- On-boarded and cross-trained client internal team including new project owner after re-organization
- Project owner: “Thank you for ALL your help standing-up the … Roll Out Team! “
- Financial services industry leader with over $28T under custody has many business units, subsidiaries and affiliates, plus hundreds of locations around the globe
- Large implementation – 50,000 endpoints
- Aggressive schedule: 1 year goal to deploy across enterprise, including numerous subsidiaries
- Complex InfoSec policies embedded in classification schema reflect regulations-driven industry norms
- Data classification would be enforced before employees can save a file in MS Word, Excel or PowerPoint or send an email in MS Outlook.
- Data classification technology configured to enforce numerous email policies

Project Right-Sizing
- Focus on newly created or edited documents only
- Allow end users to remove visual mark from documents; allow users to over-ride select email warnings
- Leveraged long-standing data classification habits already in place among employees to minimize communications from project
- Leverage Service Desk for troubleshooting, starting with full pilot (2000 users) after pre-pilot (100+ users)
- Delegate employee communications to InfoSec representative resident in each business area

Project Acceleration
- Created a phase strategy of pre-pilot, pilot and enterprise to contain risk while demonstrating progress
- Focused project communications resources on self-help materials for end users and core tools to empower business area delegates
- Facilitated executive steering committee and initial design/configuration of technology
- Maintained consistent project on-boarding process to equip all stakeholders with core foundation
- Phase plan assigned less business-critical platforms to later phases(e.g. iOS, VDI, OWA)